5-Minute Keto Breakfasts for Busy people | Food high in Fiber & Magnesium 


Avocado and Bacon Delight: Mash ripe avocado, sprinkle with crispy bacon bits, and drizzle with olive oil for a creamy, savory keto breakfast in minutes.

Chia Seed Pudding: Mix chia seeds with almond milk, sweetener, and berries for a low-carb, high-fiber breakfast that's ready in no time.

Egg and Spinach Scramble: Whisk eggs, sauté spinach, and season with salt and pepper for a protein-packed keto breakfast to kickstart your day.

Greek Yogurt Parfait: Layer Greek yogurt, nuts, and berries for a rich, quick, and nutritious breakfast that's low in carbs but high in flavor.

Smoked Salmon Roll-Ups: Wrap smoked salmon around cream cheese and cucumber slices for a delicious keto breakfast that's as elegant as it is speedy.