Simone Biles Eats High Fiber Keto Snacks in a Day to Stay Fit


Avocado Slices (10+ words): Simone Biles' secret snack weapon – creamy avocado slices are packed with fiber and healthy fats.

Chia Seed Pudding (10+ words): A quick chia seed pudding provides long-lasting energy, keeping you full during workouts just like Simone.

Nut Butter Celery Sticks (10+ words): Crunchy celery paired with almond or peanut butter is a favorite high-fiber keto snack for gymnastic superstar Simone Biles.

Cheese and Cucumber Bites (10+ words): These refreshing bites offer fiber from cucumbers and healthy fats from cheese, perfect for quick fuel-ups.

Berry Smoothie with Flax Seeds (10+ words): Simone loves her high-fiber keto smoothie with berries and flax seeds to boost her performance.

